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More Information for Teachers and Parents 

Overview of Lesson

This lesson was developed as a project for our Art Education class Visual Culture and Educational Technology at Penn State University. The purpose of this lesson is to get students to consider the different forms of artwork that they may come in contact with in their daily life, compare these works to more traditional works, and critically look at urban art and analyze it. The goal is to have students then redesign a space of in their world incorporating the elements and styles of street art that they have learned about through this lesson.​


This lesson is intended for an 8th grade art class while also incorporating a geographic component as well an art history aspect. The learners do not need any prior knowledge about art history to complete this web quest, however they will need to know how to use a camera and computer. 

Curriculum Standards

The following PA learning standards will be focused on during this lesson.

9.1.8.B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts.

9.1.8.E: Communicate a unifying theme or point of view through the production of works in the arts.

9.1.8.J: Incorporate specific uses of traditional and contemporary technologies within the design for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.

9.4.8.B: Compare and contrast informed individual opinions about the meaning of works in the arts to others (e.g., debate philosophical opinions within a listserve or at an artist’s website).





This project is designed for a ten day time period consisting of 45 minute class periods. The students should work individually. First the students are asked to look at a few examples of street art, and analyze them while answering questions. Remind students to each day to bring in newspapers and magazines.  Next, they should take pictures of a "boring" space that they would like to redesign keeping the ideas of urban art in mind. They will then upload these pictures to the computer and print out one copy of the image in either black and white or color. Students will then begin their projects by cutting out images and text from their newspapers and magazine and organizing them into a design on their printed out space. Students should be encouraged to layout their design and edit it before making final decisions with glue.  Finally, students will upload their final projects to and write an artists statement. They are also expected to critique two of their peers' work. On the final day of the project the class will get together in a group, display all of their work, and have a group discussion about their images.

We believe that a teacher with any level of experience could facilitate this assignment.  However, some potential roadblocks that we would anticipate would be students getting off task, so it is important to monitor their progress. The teacher is also expected to conduct a group discussion and should encourage students to have a dialogue about their work through out the lesson. 




​Resources Needed

  • cardstock
  • printer
  • magazines/ newspapers
  • glue
  • scissors/ exacto knifes
  • camera
  • computer
  • USB cord (to upload pictures from camera)
  • Variety of other mediums such as colored pencils, markers, paint, ink, ect.
  • one teacher 
  • Websites that we make use of:







Through this lessons students will appreciate art that is around them, such as street art. They will learn to critically think about art in the world and be able to compare various forms of art. It is important for students to learn to value and appreciate other forms of art rather than just traditional works that you would see in a museum. In conclusion our goal is to have students broaden their horizons and artist knowledge by exposing them to street art. 

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